
How To Make A Website With Html

H1 How to make a simple site with using HTML!

These are simple things I have learned on how to make a HTML website this is not a indepth guide this is just going over the easy to learn basic imformation we will go over how to make a body for the website, how to make a header how to make body paragraphs, how to make lists and sublists, and a couple of things that are not really used because they are outdated but I think it would still be useful to learn.

The first thing we are going to start with how to make it to where the browser reads it properaly

<!DOCTYPE html> This goes at the very begining this shows the browser how to read rest of the websites code <html> This is going to go before and after all of your code pretty simple you’re going to end the page with that to. Meta charset=“utf-8” is an HTML tag that makes it possible to use emojis and other characters that aren’t in the traditional ASCII character set on your webpage to use this we are going to put <meta charset="utf-8">

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